When are contributions counted?
Contributions are counted to calculate the platform engagement and are shown in the 'Engagement' standard reporting. Read this article to read how to use this reporting feature.
There are different types of contributions; with time, with money, with items, by doing a good deed, or by organising an initiative or activity
When is a contribution counted? There are two dates stored on a contribution. The create date and the count date.
Create date: reflects the moment on which the action that creates a contribution is taken on our platform.
Count date: is an approximation of the moment on which the contribution is executed. This is different across activity types. See table below.
We use the count date in all our reporting dashboards to filter on contributions. The create date is also added to the contributions export to use for your own analyses.
Below is a list of contribution types and a description when the dates for these types are set in different use cases.
Contribution type | Use case | Contribution create date | Contribution count date |
Organising |
When creating an activity |
When the activity type is selected. | Date on which the activity is created. |
Money (Crowdfunding) | When donating to a crowdfunding campaign | When the button is selected on the enter amount modal. | When the button is selected on the enter amount modal. |
Deed | When joining a deed activity | When the join button is selected. |
Collect | When joining a collect activity | When the join button is selected. |
Time (on a date) | When joining, or applying to, a time-based activity, that takes place on a date. |
When the join or submit button is selected
For each contribution, the date on which the slot takes place.
Contributions are only counted after the user is accepted. |
Time (period - in total) | When joining, or applying to, a time-based activity, that takes place during a period and hours are counted once 'in total'. | When the join or submit button is selected. |
Contributions are only counted after the user is accepted. |
Time (period - periodically) |
When joining, or applying to, a time-based activity, that takes place during a period and hours are counted periodically. |
When the join or submit button is selected.
The first contribution is counted:
The following contributions are counted:
Contributions are only counted after the user is accepted. |
Time (preparation) | When joining, or applying to, a time-based activity, which requires preparation time. | When the join or submit button is selected. |
Date on which the join or submit button is selected.
Contributions are only counted after the user is accepted. |