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What do the different initiative statuses mean and do?

To get your initiative up and running on the platform, it will go through a number of stages explained below.

You can always view the status in the ‘My initiatives’ overview: 

Or you see the status when viewing your initiative page: 

Initiative statuses 

  • Draft: When you start to create an initiative, the status automatically changes to draft.

  • In review / Submitted:  When all fields are correctly filled you can submit your draft version. The status of your initiative changes to 'In review'. The status in the backoffice will show as 'Submitted'. Note that you are not able to make any changes to your initiative in the front end, when it's 'In review'.

  • Needs work: If your initiative needs to be improved, your Platform Manager will change the status to 'Needs work' from the back office and will contact you, for example via email, with further details on which changes you should make in order to go live.

  • Approved: Your initiative is good to go, checked by the Platform Manager, who changed the status to 'Approved'.
    • Draft activities that are completed will change to status open. Except for crowdfunding campaigns, they need to be approved individually.
    • An automatic email is sent to the initiator to inform them that their initiative is now live and visible, and underlying activities are open for people to contribute to.

  • Closed: Your initiative didn't match the platform's criteria and got rejected by the Platform Manager.
    • All activities which were added under the initiative are to closed. 
    • An automatic email is generated to the initiator to inform them that their initiative is closed.