The homepage offers you have the option to show everyone your statistics:
1. Add the statistics block to your homepage
Go to the side menu in the backoffice and select 'Homepage' under 'Content'.
Scroll down and use the dropdown menu to select 'Platform Statistics', click on 'Add', and on 'Save and continue editing'.
2. Choose the type of statistic
Go to the side menu in the backoffice and select 'Statistics' under 'Content'.
Click the "+Add Statistic", on the top right of the next page select one of the three types of statistics:
- Impact statistics: if you have the impact visualisation feature activated to show the impact that is made via the activities;
- Custom statistics: when you want to add statistics manually, so not measured on the platform. Via customer metrics you can add a new statistic by filling in a title and value;
- Engagement statistics: if you want to add a statistic measured through the platform, like the number of activities, number of donations, etc.
Custom statistics
Use a custom statistics to show your own manually added statistic title and value.
Select 'Custom statistics', enter a value, choose an icon, and enter a name for the manual metric. Make sure the checkbox 'Active' is on and click on 'Save and continue editing'.
Engagement statistics
Choose an engagement statistic if you want to add statistics measured through the platform, like the number of activities, number of donations, people involved, etc.
Select Engagement statistics, choose a metric in the dropdown menu under 'Query', name your statistic, make sure the checkbox 'Active' is on and click on 'Save and continue editing'.
The following engagement statistics are measured and available to add:
- People involved: Unique visitors who donated, joined an event or a task, made an anonymous donation, made a donation on a different name, started an initiative or an activity.
- Participants: Total number of all succeeded members who joined an event activity.
- Activities succeeded: Number of all realised events, tasks and crowdfunding activities.
- Assignments (Tasks) succeeded: Number of tasks.
- Events Succeeded: Number of successful events.
- Fundraiser (Crowdfunding) online: Number of open crowdfunding activities which are running.
- Donations: Number of unique donations.
- Donated total: Total amount of donated money.
- Pledged total: Total amount of pledged money. Read here what pledge donations are.
- The amount matched: Total amount of matched money. Read here what matching is.
- Activities Online: Number of open events, tasks, crowdfunding activities.
- Time spent: Total amount of hours which are spent by task members with tasks or of participants who joined events, and thus made successful contributions.
- Number of members: Total amount of unique members who have a platform account.
Below you can find the icons used for the available current database statistics:
All other current statistics, including the ones which are added manually, will be shown with this icon: