How does the office filter work?

The office filter provides users looking for an activity a relevant list of activities they can join, based on location

It’s possible to open up activities to specific groups of users. This can be done at four levels:

  • Any office: the activity is open to anyone who has access to the platform.
  • Region: the activity is open to anyone who belongs to an office under the selected region.
  • Group: the activity is open to anyone belonging to an office under the selected group.
  • Office: the activity is open to anyone belonging to this office.


Natasha works in the Prague office. She will see in her overview all activities with the following restriction levels:

  • Any office: These activities are open to anyone.
  • Region = Europe: These activities are open to anyone within Europe. Prague falls within this region.
  • Group = Czech Republic: These activities are open to anyone within the Czech Republic. Prague is within this group.
  • Office = Prague: These activities are open to everyone working in the Prague office.


Enable the functionality

Please reach out to our support to set this functionality up for the first time.


Go to your back office and select ‘settings’ > ‘initiative settings’ from the menu.


On the initiative settings page, select the tab ‘Offices’.

Here, check the box behind ‘Enable office restrictions’, to enable the functionality. When enabled, all existing activities will receive the ‘any office’ restriction.

Under ‘default office restriction’ you select the level that is selected by default when creating a new activity.


Creating an activity

When you create an activity you can select to which office the activity belongs, by default this will be the office of the initiator. You can also change the restriction level of the activity. By default, this is the level selected in the back office (see above).


Searching for an activity

When searching for an activity, and you have an office set in your profile, you will only see the activities that are open to your office. Your office is either automatically set via single sign-on (SSO, your company’s authentication method) or you have to set it manually (instructions below).


By selecting your office, you can also choose to see all activities, effectively disabling the filter on your office. By doing this, you can filter on any office and see activities from that office. These might not be available for you to participate in, since the filter on your own office is disabled.



If you haven’t set an office in your profile, you will only see the activities that are open to any office. You can navigate from here to your profile, to set your office.